Sunday, April 11, 2010

Bultemeier Wedding-At the Salon

I have a million other photos to edit, so I will put a series of posts of their wedding up here. I would love to hear feedback since weddings are a new venture of mine:)

Thursday, April 8, 2010

people and things I recommend

I decided to come up with a list of people and things I recommend because since I've been in the process of moving, going to school, working, getting married, and photographing weddings, I get emails all the time about who does the best at what. You can find most of these people or things via the internet or facebook. So here ya go. in no particular order ...

r e a l t o r -Mona Steury: yes she will be my mother-in-law so I'm a little biased, but she honestly found us the perfect home and convinced the other realtor to really lower the price. She's a great negotiator, but also totally comfortable to talk to about what kind of things you want in a house. 

c o n t r a c t o r -Marlin Steury: again, I will soonly be related to him, but Marlin is the most trusting guy you will ever meet. He's completely honest, will try to save you as much money as possible, and is completely thorough. He gets the job done right. 

h a i r   n e e d s:  Depends on your location and style:
-Angelica Lehman-Goshen area: super edgy/stylish, isn't afraid of change and will make you look hot. Super outgoing and friendly and fun. and she's my sister and maid of honor.
-Kayla Steury-Fort Wayne/Leo area: very stylish but more conservative with the cut, but will give you exactly what you want. Your hair will look really healthy and amazing. She is so easy to talk to and you will love her. She will also become my sister in a couple of months

Super good J O B:  Bethesda Lutheran Communities:  This is for people that have disabilities, but don't let that scare you off. I show up to my job which is their house, in my sweats normally, fill out some paperwork, give meds, watch a movie, take them to the park, make dinner, go swimming at the YMCA, and drive all over Fort Wayne. It's freaking awesome. They start you at almost 10 bucks an hour and provide benefits for people who work 30 plus hours. Plus it's located all over the U.S.  

W e d d i n g   I n s p i r a t i o n : 

W e d d i n g  c o o r d i n a t o r : Zoe Martin. she. is. amazing. Her style is vintage, and her price is cheap. She finds the best deals, knows how to make anything, and is providing all of the feathers that I am using for my wedding. I decided to go with feathers instead of flowers. She made hair pieces, boutennierres, etc etc etc. I don't remember her website, but contact me and I'll give you her contact info.

g r a p h i c  d e s i g n e r : Ben Hoeppner. He created our letterpress wedding invites. I'll post pictures once they're out, for now, you'll just have to trust me on this one.

P h o t o g r a p h y  I n s p i r a t i o n : I'd rather not say. There are too many to list any way. But I spend most of my free time continually learning about photography/reading up on lenses/looking at photos. It's my life. 

b r i d e s m a i d s  dresses: . . . I got this cute little sucker off etsy for my bridesmaids.... 

Handmade or vintage c l o t h e s : 

w e d d i n g  D J -my fiance Kyle Steury. I walk into his room sometimes when the door is shut and he has his hands up in the air with his eyes closed mixing really loud music. He knows everything about every type of music, who wrote what, when they wrote it, why they wrote it, when they posted it on the internet, and why they posted it on the internet. He's weird and hilarious and cute. He doesn't even care if he gets hired he just likes to party 

Best p h o t o  e d i t i n g  program: Lightroom. Hands down, most versatile, easiest program to use and if you are a Purdue or IU student like myself, you get it for $10. Hell yeah. 

T e n t / c h a i r / t a b l e rental: This guy Joe that owns it, will work with your budget and is super nice. He's the cheapest I found in the Fort Wayne area.  

M u s i c :  recently,

That's it for this week:) I'll post more when I think of them. Here's a little i n s p i r a t i o n  for you photogs out there...via Metro Photo

Monday, April 5, 2010

This is my YiaYia (Grandma in Greek) on Easter.  
There's a boiled egg that's a year old in that egg holder. My grandma thinks it's a miracle, she's so cute.
These are my sisters on my front porch of my new house:)